Frequently Asked Questions

Why did the OIPRD’s name change?
When the CSPA came into force on April 01, 2024, the OIPRD was renamed to Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA) to better reflect its mandate to continue to receive, screen, and investigate public complaints concerning police conduct.

Justice Tulloch recommended that the OIPRD be renamed to facilitate better public understanding of its functions.

What is the difference between LECA and OIPRD?
LECA’s mandate has been expanded to include complaints about the conduct of the following:

  • Special Constables employed by the Niagara Parks Commission
  • Peace Officers in the Legislative Protective Services
  • First Nations police officers if the service opt into the legislation

LECA no longer accepts policy or service complaints. The Inspectorate of Policing has jurisdiction over policy and service complaints.  

LECA now has the authority to initiate an investigation in the absence of a public complaint if it is in the public interest to do so.

The Ontario Police Arbitration and Adjudication Commission is responsible for hearings and for ensuring that decisions after a disciplinary hearing are published online.

Is the OIPRD archiving disciplinary hearing results?
Yes. LECA’s website will continue to have OIPRD’s disciplinary hearing results available for the public.

Has the complaint process changed?

  1. If the incident date(s) is prior to April 01, 2024, it will be reviewed under the Police Services Act. If the incident date(s) is after April 01, 2024, it will be reviewed under the Community and Safety and Policing Act, 2019.
  2. Hearings conducted and scheduled prior to April 01, 2024, will be reviewed under the Police Services Act.
  3. Policy and service complaints with incident date(s) after April 01, 2024, will be referred to the Inspectorate of Policing.

What happens to my complaint that I already submitted?

  • Hearings conducted and scheduled prior to April 01, 2024, will be reviewed under the Police Services Act.

  • Policy and service complaints with incident date(s) after April 01, 2024, will be referred to the Inspectorate of Policing.

Where do I file a policy or service complaint?
Policy and service complaints with incident date(s) after April 01, 2024, will be referred to the Inspectorate of Policing.

Will LECA be conducting systemic reviews?

LECA retains the ability to conduct systemic reviews.

Where can I find systemic reviews conducted by the OIPRD?

See: Systemic Reviews – Law Enforcement Complaints Agency

Disciplinary Hearing Changes

Under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, proclaimed on April 01, 2024, hearings decisions are held by the Ontario Police Arbitration and Adjudication Commission and responsible for posting disciplinary hearings online.

LECA will continue to post decisions of the disciplinary hearings held under the Police Services Act on our website.

How can I contact LECA?

You can contact LECA by phone or email below:


Phone: 416-327-8332