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Open Data

The Ontario government announced a number of accountability measures supporting its commitment to Open Government by promoting greater transparency in classified agencies. As of April 01, 2015, governance documents and expense information must be posted on LECA’s website.

Open Data Directive

Under Ontario’s Open Data Directive, provincial agencies are required to post a public data inventory of all the data sets they create, collect and/or manage.

Data Inventory

Law Enforcement Complaint Agency Legal File System Database

Short Description: This database contains information on all complaints received by the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency.

Tags: Law Enforcement Complaints Agency

Publisher: Law Enforcement Complaints Agency

Frequency: Daily

Access Level: Restricted

Rationale: Data contains complainant, police officer and witness personal information and falls under the privacy exemption.

Law Enforcement Complaints Agency Annual Report Statistics

Short Description: This dataset contains statistics and performance measures contained within the annual report for the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency.

Tags: Law Enforcement Complaints Agency

Publisher: Law Enforcement Complaints Agency

Frequency: Annually

Access Level: Open/Public

Expense Information

The public disclosure of expense information improves transparency, strengthens accountability and helps to ensure the prudent use of taxpayer dollars. In accordance with the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expense Directive, expense information for the Complaints Director and the Deputy Director are posted below.

Click on the year and then the month to view expense information.

January (no expenses)
March (no expenses)
April (no expenses)
June (no expenses)