Early Resolution Program

The Early Resolution (ER) Program is a way for complainants and respondent officers to voluntarily resolve complaints in a quick and effective manner that encourages open communication. The goal of ER is to arrive at a resolution that is mutually satisfactory. Successful resolutions can be powerful learning opportunities that have lasting positive effects on participants.


If the complainant, officer(s), and police service consent to ER, a member from the police service’s Professional Standards office (or a senior officer) will contact the complainant to facilitate the resolution.

Facilitation could include:

  • Acting as a ‘go-between’ and communicating the views of the parties to each other until a resolution is reached or the ER process is terminated
  • Facilitating a discussion between the parties, which may result in an acknowledgement and/or an apology where appropriate
  • Taking steps to ensure that any conditions from the ER agreement are met

Please note that a complaint can still proceed to investigation if an ER is unsuccessful.

If you are interested in Early Resolution, simply check the “yes” box under “I would consider early resolution for this matter” on the complaint form.

Benefits of Early Resolution

Quick: ER is to be completed within 30 calendar days (up to 45 days with an extension).

Voluntary: All parties must consent to ER.

Neutral: LECA and Professional Standards contacts are neutral parties in the process. They cannot provide advice or opinions.

Open Communication: The ER process aims to improve communication between the public and the police and provides the complainant a voice to help determine an outcome or agreement.

Accountable: Early Resolution Agreements are reviewed and approved by LECA.

Confidential: All communications occurring in the context of the ER process are confidential and governed the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019.

Greater Satisfaction with the Complaint Process: Complainants can often gain a better understanding of policing and a feeling of empowerment as they can have an opportunity to express their views and/or potentially receive an explanation or apology.