Police Services

All police services must ensure that LECA brochures are displayed and accessible to the general public. Complainants can file a complaint at any police station in Ontario.

The officer receiving the complaint must process it in confidence and must not release information that would cause the respondent or witness officers to receive notification of the complaint. Police services must forward completed complaint forms received at the station to LECA electronically or by fax within three business days and send the original by mail or courier.

Respondent officers are provided with the substance of the complaint made against them. In the most cases this is a copy of the complaint including the name of the complainant, but without personal information (such as home address) of the complainant or witness. Officers are required to respond to the complaint in full in the manner determined by the investigation. Officers have the opportunity to consult with an agent or representative prior to responding to the complaint provided it does not unduly delay the investigation. Where an interview has been scheduled, officers are entitled to have a representative present during the interview.

LECA has jurisdiction over sworn police officers working for the services listed below.

Local Response

Anyone permitted to make a complaint to LECA, may first raise their concerns respecting the conduct of a police officer, to the respective police service to be addressed through a Local Response.

Police Services Board

To make a complaint about a police services board or a board member, please contact the Inspectorate of Policing.