Broken Trust Recommendations Tracker

Director’s Message April 2024 – Final Update on Broken Trust Recommendations

Following a two-year systemic review of the Thunder Bay Police Service (TBPS), the
Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) released a report in December
2018 with forty-four recommendations. Since then, the OIPRD has been monitoring and
reporting on the progress of implementing these recommendations, including the Broken
Trust Recommendations Tracker.

As of March 2024, the Thunder Bay Police Service has fully implemented twenty-seven
recommendations and made significant progress on a further eight recommendations.
Taken together this accounts for thirty-five of the forty-four recommendations in Broken
Trust with the remaining nine recommendations subject to OPP investigations and a
review by the Office of the Chief Coroner.

Accordingly, in my final update on the implementation of the recommendations in Broken
Trust, I conclude that the Thunder Bay Police Service has addressed each
recommendation for which it is responsible and, with the leadership and commitment
demonstrated by Chief Fleury and the Thunder Bay Police Service Board (TBPSB), work
on the remaining eight recommendations will continue.

I am sending my final update to the new office of the Inspector General of Policing, who
oversees chiefs and police service boards, so he is aware of the significant progress
made by the Thunder Bay Police Service implementing the recommendations in Broken
Trust, and the work left to be done.

  • Recommendation 01 – FULLY IMPLEMENTED AS OF MARCH 3, 2022

    Recommendation: Nine of the TBPS sudden death investigations that the OIPRD reviewed are so problematic that the Director recommends these cases be reinvestigated.

    Status: The re-investigation of the nine deaths was completed, and a confidential report was provided to the families of the deceased, the TBPS, TBPSB, and the OIPRD on March 3, 2022.

    Deficiencies in the original investigations were noted in each of the nine deaths, and a change in the cause of death was made in one case.

  • Recommendation 02 – FULLY IMPLEMENTED AS OF MARCH 3, 2022

    Recommendation: A multi-discipline investigation team should be established to undertake, at a minimum, the reinvestigation of the deaths of the nine Indigenous people identified.

    Status: See Recommendation 01.

  • Recommendation 03 – ONGOING

    Recommendation: The multi-discipline investigative team should establish a protocol for determining whether other TBPS sudden death investigations should be reinvestigated.

    Status: The multi-discipline investigative team did not establish a protocol. However, it identified additional TBPS sudden death investigations for potential reinvestigation, and the Officer of the Chief Coroner is undertaking a systemic review of the Broken Trust Re-Investigation of Indigenous deaths in Thunder Bay.

    Update as of June 2023: OPP is reinvestigating 13 sudden deaths originally investigated by TBPS between 2006-2019.

  • Recommendation 04 – ONGOING

    Recommendation: The multi-discipline investigation team should also reassess whether the death of Stacy DeBungee should be reinvestigated, based on our investigative report and the Ontario Provincial Police review of the TBPS investigation. The team should also assess when and how the investigation should take place, without prejudicing ongoing Police Services Act proceedings.

    Status: The OPP is reinvestigating the death of Stacy DeBungee.


    Recommendation: TBPS should initiate an external peer-review process for at least three years following the release of this report.

    Status: The TBPS has advised that the multi-discipline investigation team did not provide a document detailing best practices for a peer-review process. Accordingly, the TBPS advises that it continues to revise how it conducts sudden death reviews to reflect best practices.

    Update as of December 2023: Extensive and positive progress has been made resulting in a new Sudden Death Policy which the Service is still reviewing. Once the Service finalizes a draft of the new policy, the OIPRD could review it prior to its presentation to the Board.

    Update as of April 2024: Following consultation with LECA (formerly known as OIPRD), this recommendation was incorporated and addressed in the Sudden Death Policy adopted by the TBPSB.

  • Recommendation 06 – FULLY IMPLEMENTED AS OF JANUARY 2022

    Recommendation: TBPS should immediately ensure sufficient staffing in its General Investigation Unit in the Criminal Investigations Branch. Adequate resources must be mad available to enable this recommendation to be implemented on an urgent basis.

    Status: The TBPS implementation report to the TBPSB in January 2022 indicates this recommendation is complete, and the January 2023 report indicates further progress.

  • Recommendation 07 – FULLY IMPLEMENTED AS OF JANUARY 2022

    Recommendation: TBPS should establish a Major Crimes Unit – within the Criminal Investigations Branch – that complies with provincial standards and best practices in how it investigates serious cases, including homicide, sudden deaths, and complex cases.

    Status: The TBPS implementation report to the TBPSB in January 2022 indicates this recommendation is complete, and the January 2023 report indicates further progress.

  • Recommendation 08 – FULLY IMPLEMENTED AS OF JANUARY 2022

    Recommendation: TBPS should provide officers who have taken appropriate training with opportunities to be assigned to work with the Criminal Investigations Branch and the Major Crimes Unit investigators to gain experience.

    Status: The TBPS implementation report to the TBPSB in January 2022 indicates this recommendation is complete, and the January 2023 report indicates further progress.

  • Recommendation 09 – FULLY IMPLEMENTED

    Recommendation: TBPS should develop a formalized plan or protocol for training and mentoring officers assigned to the Criminal Investigations Branch and the Major Crimes Unit.

    Status: The TBPS implementation report to the TBPSB in January 2022 and January 2023 indicates implementation of this recommendation is ongoing.

    Update as of June 2023: Pending further review.

    Update as of December 2023: Positive progress has been made in the TBPS’s Major Crimes Unit, with all members fully trained and meeting key standards, satisfying this recommendation.

  • Recommendation 10 – FULLY IMPLEMENTED

    Recommendation: TBPS should develop a strategic human resources succession plan to ensure the General Investigations Unit, Criminal Investigations Branch and the Major Crime Unit is never without officers who are experienced in investigations.

    Status: The TBPS implementation report to the TBPSB in January 2022 and January 2023 indicates implementation of this recommendation is ongoing.

    Update as of December 2023: Positive progress has been made through the implementing of a strategic human resources succession plan, satisfying this recommendation.