When the CSPA came into force on April 01, 2024, the OIPRD was renamed to Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA) to better reflect its mandate to continue to receive, screen, and investigate public complaints concerning police conduct.
Justice Tulloch recommended that the OIPRD be renamed to facilitate better public understanding of its functions.
LECA’s mandate has been expanded to include complaints about the conduct of the following:
LECA no longer accepts policy or service complaints. The Inspectorate of Policing has jurisdiction over policy and service complaints.
LECA now has the authority to initiate an investigation in the absence of a public complaint if it is in the public interest to do so.
The Ontario Police Arbitration and Adjudication Commission is responsible for hearings and for ensuring that decisions after a disciplinary hearing are published online.
Yes. LECA’s website will continue to have OIPRD’s disciplinary hearing results available for the public.
Policy and service complaints with incident date(s) after April 01, 2024, will be referred to the Inspectorate of Policing.
Please access our online portal to file your complaint electronically Submit a New Complaint
Toll-free fax: 1-877-415-4773
Local fax: 416-327-8332
Law Enforcement Complaints Agency
655 Bay Street, 10th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2T4
Complaints can be made in person at LECAs main office, located in Toronto and by appointment at LECAs northern office locations. To request an appointment, please contact lecacomplaints@ontario.ca
655 Bay Street, 10th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2T4
You can pick up a LECA complaint form, as well as drop off a completed complaint form, at any police station in Ontario. You do not have to go to the police service you are making a complaint about to pick up or drop off a complaint form.
Policy and service complaints with incident date(s) after April 01, 2024, will be referred to the Inspectorate of Policing.
LECA retains the ability to conduct systemic reviews.
See: Systemic Reviews – Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (leca.ca)
You can contact LECA by phone or email below:
Email: leca@ontario.ca
Phone: 416-327-8332 or 1-877-411-4773
LECA provides services in French and English.
LECA has Brochures which are available on our website in multiple languages and provides information about what we do and the complaints process.
LECA’s main office is in Toronto:
655 Bay Street, 10th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2T4
To provide a fair and transparent process, complainants must identify themselves and sign the LECA form when submitting a formal complaint.
Anonymous complaints will not be considered a public complaint under the CSPA, but they may be reviewed and considered by LECA for the purposes of self-initiated investigation under section 161(1) of the Act.
Yes, you can choose to first raise your concerns with the police service. This is called a Local Response. Local Response is a process for dealing with concerns from members of the public informally.
Yes, after a complaint is filed, there are other ways in which it can be resolved, before proceeding to an investigation, and any time during the complaint process.
Early Resolution Program (ER) : The ER Program is a way for complainants and respondent officers to voluntarily resolve complaints in a quick and effective manner that encourages open communication. The goal of ER is to arrive at a resolution that is mutually satisfactory. An ER Coordinator will provide additional information and other resources on the ER process. For questions, please contact LECAEarlyResolution@ontario.ca.
Informal Resolution (IR) : IR can be attempted at any time during LECA complaint process. The complainant, the respondent officer and the police chief or OPP Commissioner must all agree. LECA will advise the police service that Informal Resolution may be an option to explore prior to launching a complaint investigation. Informal Resolution may also be recommended at the conclusion of a conduct complaint. Informal Resolution via Mediation, coordinated by LECA may be requested if the regular Informal Resolution process in unsuccessful.
LECA encourages the use of community mediation, a facilitative and transformative model of conflict resolution that best suits the goals of the LECA’s mediation program and for all parties. It encourages individuals in conflict to share their recognition of each other’s perspectives and provides an opportunity for both the complainant and the respondent officer to learn from their interactions. Mediators are impartial and work in the interests of the parties involved in a conflict.
LECA engages in educational initiatives and outreach efforts to the public. Send enquiries to leca@ontario.ca